Banner with your own text 2

2,12 € excl. VAT (2,57 € incl. VAT)


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DELIVERY UNTIL 02/2025 - Z dôvodu prechodu na nový informačný systém môže dochádzáť ku zpozdenie zakázkovej výroby
(0 ks in stock)

Custom signs or stickers with your own text. Choose a table version or sticker. We will insert your own text into the selected pattern / version size and material. We usually ship within 5-7 days. Click on "More" for information on how to insert your own text into the order. More

HOW TO ORDER a sign with your own text:

1. CLICK RIGHT ON THE TEXT of the link "INSERTING YOUR OWN TEXT IN THE SIGN", fill in and send the form with your own text.

2. Add the selected version of the sign to the cart and continue shopping or complete the order.

If you order only one version of the text, you can also insert your text later in the note that appears in the last step of filling in the order in the cart.

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