Autolékárnička pro autobusy CZ
Autolékárnička pro autobusy CZ

Motor vehicle first aid kit for buses CZ

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Manufacturer: Traiva s.r.oProduct code: 1240 Shipping and Payment

22,53 € excl. VAT (27,26 € incl. VAT)
Variant does not exist

Suitable for vehicles carrying more than 80 passengers. More


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Autolékárnička pro autobusy CZ Kód: 03748 in stock more than 5 pcs More 22,53 €

This car first aid kit is suitable for vehicles carrying more than 80 people - eg buses.

This is a size III. It fully complies with MDČR Decree No. 206/2018 Coll. as amended. Medical devices are of Czech production. The cover is made of waterproof fabric (so-called cortexin).

Technical description

This car first aid kit is suitable for vehicles carrying more than 80 people - eg buses. This is a size III. It fully complies with MDČR Decree No. 206/2018 Coll. as amended. Medical devices are of Czech production. The cover is made of waterproof fabric (so-called cortexin).

List of medical supplies:

  1. 10x Gauze bandage roll with 1 pad
  2. 10x Gauze bandage roll with 2 pads
  3. 4x Smooth plaster tape
  4. 5x Rubber tourniquet (60 x 1,250 mm)
  5. 4x Rubber (latex) surgical gloves in packaging
  6. 1x Scissors curved (inclined) anticorrosive
  7. 1x Isothermal foil (min. size 200 x 140 cm)
1240_prohlaseni.pdf (pdf, 303.6 kB)


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