
Extinguishing sprays – a practical solution for quickly extinguishing a fire

Fire extinguisher sprays are ideal for extinguishing smaller fires in homes, cars, garages, or the road. Using a fire extinguisher spray in a room is always faster than running for a traditional fire extinguisher, which is key to getting the situation under control before the fire spreads and becomes difficult to control. Their compact dimensions and easy handling make them a great alternative to traditional fire extinguishers. The sprays are filled with an effective extinguishing agent that handles class A (solids), B (liquids), and F (fats and oils) fires, and some models are also suitable for extinguishing electrical equipment.

Advantages of fire extinguisher sprays:

  • Easy to use and always at hand: Immediate activation without special knowledge.
  • Compact dimensions: Easy to store and carry.
  • Wide uses: Suitable for kitchens, cars, caravans or workshops.
  • Ecological composition: Friendly to the environment and protected surfaces.
Choose from our range of fire extinguishing sprays and ensure peace of mind thanks to fast and affordable fire protection!
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