Warning signs - Varianty - Samolepka 45 x 85 mm tl. 0.1 mm - arch 12 ks - Kód: 25308

Warning safety signs contain important personal safety warnings. Their importance lies in alerting persons, its violation could increased risk of danger, or could affect safety in the event of danger. They warn of the often hidden danger that ordinary people are not aware of. They should warn of potential risks of space safety or equipment safety hazards. The use of safety warning signs is prescribed by many generally binding legal regulations and standards. (Eg N. V. c. 406/2004 Coll.)

The location of the warning safety sign is prescribed in many electrotechnical regulations, health and safety regulations, construction, chemical industry, practically these warning signs and signs are used in all fields. They are also produced as safety warning stickers.

Warning signs are triangular with a black pictogram on a yellow background with a black border; a black pictogram with a black border occupies at least 50% of the mark area.
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